
Menthol Crystal is a white crystalline substance with a characteristic pungent odor. It is derived from the natural oil of the Peppermint herb Mentha Piperita. Basically Menthol Crystals are used as raw material in preparation of medicines, pharmaceutical formulas, confectionery products, herbal products, candy and chewing gums, cosmetics, pain balms, tooth paste & oral products etc.
It is used for the purpose of preservation, getting flavor, freshness and cool sensation. Now a day’s menthol has become a bare necessity for each and every person on the globe

Main sources of Menthol and Peppermint Oil.
The crop of Mentha Piperita is being cultivated in the countries of India, China and upped some extend in Brazil and USA. India is the largest producer of Peppermint Oil and Natural Menthol Crystals.
Owing to its merits/usefulness it has a hunting demand all over the world and till now India and China are fulfilling the world demand out of which India’s share is of 60% and above.


Alpha Menthol
806, Trividh Chambers,
Ring Road, Surat – 395 002.
Gujarat, India.

Email: info@alphamenthol.com
Web: www.alphamenthol.com
Company email: starmint@alphamenthol.com

Tele: +91-261-2366842
Fax: +91-261-2302164

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